Understanding Teamwork with Fleetwood Mac

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We’ve run this session with

I absolutely loved the session and am already thinking about ways to do the longer version!
The anecdotal feedback after the event was also brilliant and so positive; it felt like such a creative way to approach the subject. 
Rebecca Weathers
Head of Marketing Operations & Capabilities, BBC

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Manager accelerator

Manager accelerator

Almost a third of workers have left a job because of a negative relationship with a manager. There’s a big gap between manager capability and business demands.

Our Manager Accelerator is designed to support new or ‘accidental’ managers with fundamental skills that are proven to make a real difference in their work.

The art of storytelling

The art of storytelling

A recent study at Stanford University found that details when told in stories are retained x22 more than raw facts alone. Human beings are hard-wired for story.

If you want your clients to remember you, your product or your company, then you need to master the art of storytelling.