You can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking that created them.

Harvard’s Adult Developmental Psychologist, Robert Kegan, describes the challenge for businesses in the 21st Century as requiring people and organisations to “exceed themselves.”

This means growing beyond who we are now into who we need to become, shifting our perspective so that we can see a new way forward.

Through our training workshops we help facilitate this mindset shift.


Extended learning programmes to increase impact

Manager accelerator

Manager accelerator

Almost a third of workers have left a job because of a negative relationship with a manager. There’s a big gap between manager capability and business demands.

Our Manager Accelerator is designed to support new or ‘accidental’ managers with fundamental skills that are proven to make a real difference in their work.

Communication masterclass

Communication masterclass

The ability to communicate effectively underpins every successful interaction at work.

During this one-day intensive masterclass, participants will learn the fundamentals of communication, equipping them with the skills and behaviours to communicate with clarity and impact, and influence decisions in the right way.




The art of storytelling

The art of storytelling

A recent study at Stanford University found that details when told in stories are retained x22 more than raw facts alone. Human beings are hard-wired for story.

If you want your clients to remember you, your product or your company, then you need to master the art of storytelling.

Inspirational leadership

Inspirational leadership

The requirements of a modern leader have shifted dramatically in the last few years. In this session we’ll help you to understand and articulate what kind of leader you want be, what kind of leader your business needs you to be and, most importantly, how you can go about realising that leadership on a daily basis with your team.

Let’s chat!