
The art of storytelling

A recent study at Stanford University found that details when told in stories are retained x22 more than raw facts alone. Human beings are hard-wired for story.

If you want your clients to remember you, your product or your company, then you need to master the art of storytelling.

Giving feedback that sticks

Feedback is the foundation of learning. In this session we explore how you can create a culture of healthy feedback within your business, taking the sting out of difficult conversations and creating a better future as a result.

Managing difficult conversations

“Success is based on the number of uncomfortable conversations you are willing to haveā€, says renowned leader Sheryl Sandberg.

Instead of shying away from tough conversations, this workshop will open you to the opportunities they represent.

Communication fundamentals

The ability to connect powerfully with other human beings is vital, even more so in a digital age.

This session teaches something fundamental – that a small amount of time spent consciously developing ‘the basics’ can transform our personal impact.