
Selling and winning business

Sales has a bad reputation – but ultimately every organisation lives or dies on its ability to sell.

To sell well is to convince someone else to part with resources – not to deprive that person, but to leave them better off in the end.

Communication masterclass

The ability to communicate effectively underpins every successful interaction at work.

During this one-day intensive masterclass, participants will learn the fundamentals of communication, equipping them with the skills and behaviours to communicate with clarity and impact, and influence decisions in the right way.

Manager accelerator

Almost a third of workers have left a job because of a negative relationship with a manager. There’s a big gap between manager capability and business demands.

Our Manager Accelerator is designed to support new or ‘accidental’ managers with fundamental skills that are proven to make a real difference in their work.

Understanding Teamwork with Fleetwood Mac

‘Rumours’ by Fleetwood Mac has sold 45 million copies (and rising) and is an archetypal story of a team overcoming personal & professional struggles to achieve a timeless end product.

This workshop looks at how they did it, what they did right along the way, what they did wrong along the way and, most importantly what modern teams can learn.​

The art of storytelling

A recent study at Stanford University found that details when told in stories are retained x22 more than raw facts alone. Human beings are hard-wired for story.

If you want your clients to remember you, your product or your company, then you need to master the art of storytelling.

Giving feedback that sticks

Feedback is the foundation of learning. In this session we explore how you can create a culture of healthy feedback within your business, taking the sting out of difficult conversations and creating a better future as a result.

Privilege and power

Power dynamics are always present whether we are aware of them or not.

We can’t remove power dynamics but by being conscious of them, we can use some of our privilege and power to design work in a way that ensures that those with less power don’t have less of a voice.

Fostering psychological safety

When Google set out to find what makes a team most effective they discovered that psychological safety was by far the most important of the five team dynamics.

In this workshop we explore how to activate psychological safety in our teams through a mix of theory and practical tips.